intimacy with the enigmatic and bewilder ing Greta Garbo, and for many this will be the most interesting part of the book. Medium and large public libraries will have this for the most part."

B. G., Kansas

"Naturally the authoress of Lesbian Statement #3 (June, 1960 issue of THE LADDER) doesn't subscribe to THE WELL OF LONELINESS because she is a bi-sexual and no more a spoke sman for Lesbianism than many other forms of aberration. Even Dr. Stekel wrote two sepa➡ rate books on the two subjects! She can jump back and forth whenever the kick strikes her, and by God, it's easier to give a bad name to homosexuality than to the hetero side. (Those girls are the death of every Lesbian!) Hors is a frustration complex sho invites punishment from both sides in order to fulfill her masochistic tendencies.


"She states, 'Oddly enough, as a Lesbian I have lifted the veil of repression imposed by society." This statement only stamps her as a rebel against society. Her 'cause' nullifies itself by this one sentence. We have known many of her kind they only sample the honey. Sho does not subscribe to the 'myth' of THE WELL OF LONELINESS because her feelings are not deep enough for it. Poople such as she are only playing on the surface of the ocean of life, with plenty of life-savers on hand to make certain they will not be dragged down to the bottom or left alone to themselves stranded on a lonely islo."

Y & A, California

For your informtion, the party to whom you have directed this invective was married, has been divorced for 16 years, has led an exclusively homosexual life for the past 13 years and has been with the same partner for the last 7 years.

But be that as it may, there are other factors to be considered in any discussion of the bi-sexual. May I refer you to pages 15 through 18 of this issue of THE LADDER.

